Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Logitech® Cordless Desktop® MX™ 5000 Laser= Piece of crap

So recently I purchased the Logitech® Cordless Desktop® MX™ 5000 Laser . I was excited, a new toy! That excitement quickly vanished and turned to frustration and anger...

Let me tell you what is wrong with this product.

1. It uses Logitech's craptastic Setpoint software. It randomly resets settings to default, so if you set a button to do something, once and a while it randomly just reverts to default settings. Logitech's fix for this is to reinstall setpoint. Guess what? That doesnt work.
2. Its a wireless keyboard and mouse, but you better not have the mouse or keyboard more than a couple feet from the bluetooth adapter. They claim it has amazing range. It actually has a range of only a few feet, and even then isnt very reliable. It will periodically loose connection and then ALL of the sudden your mouse will move all over the screen, as if it were controlled by a higher power.
3. The keyboard has this amazing power save feature, which results in double letters once and a while. So if you leave it alone and begin typing, you will have two of whatever the first letter is you type.
4. The display, is pretty much useless. The angle is wrong (for me anyway) to be able to see it clearly. Oh and reference problem #1...if you change the settings for the display, they will revert to default every once and a while.

Now I must say the mouse itself was quite nice, and felt good to use. If it werent for the lag, and connection problems it would be a nice little mouse.

All in all I felt this was a terrible wast of money so I took this lovely set back. This is the FIRST time I have ever had trouble with Logitech gear and I was very disapointed. I replaced the combo with a Saitek keyboard (which glows, and works great) and a different Logitech mouse, which I used for about two weeks before returning. This was due to the setpoint problems as well, and Logitech seems to be unable to fix this problem. And from searching online I am far from the only one with these issues.

Bottom line, the Logitech MX 5000 is a poorly designed and poorly supported combo. I would highly recomend you stay away from it.

I would also recomend you do not purchase ANY Logitech mouse that uses Setpoint software. Unless you dont mind the default settings.

I have been a longtime Logitech fan, and a loyal customer. After this I am unsure if I will ever use their products. Logitech, I am sorry to lose you as a good companion!

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