Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Pandora is an amazing product offering to show you new music that you will like. And it does in fact do what it claims.

I have for a long time wanted to find music that was similar to artists I liked, but I had no easy way of doing this. Along comes Pandora.

You simply enter an artist or a song, and Pandora does its magic and starts playing songs that are similar. It really does an amazing job and works very well. It requires nearly no effort on your part, you just sit and listen. Which is how it should be!

Pandora does not allow you to play specific songs due to licensing agreements, but this is really no issue considering how well it performs at playing music you will like. You rate songs as you go along (if you want to) and it learns what you like as time goes by.

I would highly recomend Pandora to anyone who is looking to hear new and amazing music with very little effort.

Oh ya, its free.

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