Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Pueblo County Sheriff

--originally posted January 30, 2006 on MySpace --

So earlier this morning I was at work with a friend I met on MySpace, this was our first time meeting. So that was damn cool just to begin with!
So we wound up at work, and I parked out in front of the gate (being too lazy to open it and drive through). We walked up the the building and in we went. Gave her a tour, and then we sat on a couch by the front door. We were talking for about an hour, and wound up talking about ghosts and such.
Now all of the sudden I hear the "Ding dong" noise indicating the front door has opened...this alone freaks me out. So I jump out of the couch and in front of the second front door...what do i see?
Nothing less than 4 large men, dressed all in black guns drawn and pointed at me! Now I jump back in a bit of shock...Shortly after I realize they are Sheriff's officers and they order me not to move...im fine with that.
They ask who I am, etc etc...I tell them security, they also question Rachael, who is now about to have a heart attack over by the couch. One of the officers stays with us while the rest check out the building, guns drawn.

Soooooo after all this they run clearances on us, and have my demonstrate the key to the building I have works.. (hey, maybe I should lock the door next time?)...Convinced that we are not criminals and mearly security, they clear with dispatch letting them know all is ok.
I look outside, their are now 4 sheriff's cars surrounding my car.
So anyway, the one officer happened to be the one who was at my house earlier this week...when I had some medical issues, so I think that helped him believe me a bit more.
All in all, I was and still am quite shaken up, never had guns pointed at me! Good thing I wasn't holding anything, and no one got trigger happy.

So ya, Rachael my nights don't normally go like that! I hope you are not scared for life to visit me again!! LoL!

Soooo Lessons learned:
Dont park suspicously, or in my case lazily.
Dont leave doors unlocked!

Well, I am about ready to sleep now, been a long night!
See ya!

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